People's Deputy Maryana Bezuhla reported that on January 20, Monday, Petro Poroshenko almost attacked her. She shared this in her Telegram, expressing her surprise and outrage regarding his behavior.
"Oh, Poroshenko approached me with bloodshot eyes and said he would challenge my legitimacy in the delegation. When I reminded him about the trade with Russia, he nearly attacked," she stated.
Bezuhla noted that she was shocked by Poroshenko's actions and did not expect such behavior from him.
"While I consider it an honor to be assaulted by the fifth President (just kidding), I am genuinely astonished by how angry he is up close. After all, only he can be in the opposition; no one else has the right to ask uncomfortable questions or criticize!" she added.
Let us remind you that a fake story about "a payment of 6500 UAH from Trump" is being spread on social media. There is a clickbait news circulating on social networks claiming that Donald Trump is allegedly giving 6500 hryvnias to Ukrainians.