Lawmakers have updated the Procedure for Declaring and Registering Place of Residence, establishing clear conditions for removing a person from an apartment without their consent, reports

According to Article 61 of the Procedure for Declaring and Registering Place of Residence, property owners have the right to deregister individuals who are registered at the apartment but do not own or co-own it.

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To do this, one must contact the Center for Administrative Services (CNAH) or the registration authority, provide documents confirming ownership of the property, a passport or another identity document, and submit an application for deregistration, reports Politeka.

However, there are several exceptions where deregistration without the person's consent is not possible. The law protects certain categories of citizens for whom deregistration during wartime is not allowed. This includes: workers employed in rotational or expeditionary methods; individuals on long expeditions or business trips.

This also applies to people with disabilities living in specialized institutions; individuals in nursing homes or in custody; citizens undergoing treatment.

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If there are multiple co-owners of the property, deregistration is only possible with their consent. Furthermore, a property owner cannot be deregistered without their presence.

Minor children are considered a protected category against forced deregistration. To deregister a child, even with parental consent, permission from the guardianship authority must be obtained. If the parents are registered together with the child, they cannot be deregistered without consent.