Almost two years after the fifth season of the BBC detective series "Strike" aired, Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger are back in their roles as Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott, with several first-look images confirming this.

In the photos from "Strike," the duo is once again seen in character: in one of the images, Cormoran and Robin are walking hand in hand down a street adorned with Christmas lights.

We do not yet know when the new episodes of "Strike" will be released, but given the evident festive atmosphere, we speculate they will debut on BBC One and BBC iPlayer later this year.

Filming for the new season of "Strike," based on the sixth novel in the series by J.K. Rowling, writing under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, began in February of this year.

At the same time, a synopsis for the new installment was published, stating: "When a frantic, disheveled Edi Ledwell appears at the office, begging to speak with her, private detective Robin Ellacott is unsure how to respond to the situation.

Сериал «Страйк» 6 сезон

“Co-creator of the popular animated film 'Inkheart,' Edi is being stalked by a mysterious online figure operating under the alias Anomia. Edi is desperately trying to uncover Anomia's true identity.

In the new season of "Strike," Burke and Grainger will be joined by other returning actors: Ruth Shin, Jack Greenlees, Natasha O'Keefe, and Caitlin Innes Edwards, with newcomers including David Westhead, Christian McKay, Emma Fielding, Tupele Dorgu, and James Nelson-Joyce.

The premiere date for Season 6 of "Strike," based on the sixth book in the series, is set for December 16, 2024.

Source: radiotimes.