The General Council of the political party "Strength of the Nation" held a press conference dedicated to discussing the key challenges facing Ukraine: economy, security, ecology, education, culture, youth and regional support.

The main goal of the event is to unite society in order to collectively overcome difficulties and achieve prosperity for the country.

“The anthem of our party begins with the words ‘Our Father is God, and our Mother is Ukraine.’ What do we stand for, brothers and sisters Ukrainians, if we cannot save our mother, who is being tormented and destroyed? Ukraine is currently in an extremely difficult situation. It pains me greatly to speak about it. What do we have today? Three years of brutal war, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians lost. In the 21st century, a whole nation is being obliterated in the heart of Europe. A third of the country is under occupation, the Sea of Azov is occupied, the Black Sea is blocked, enterprises, industry are destroyed, and small and medium businesses are devastated,” noted Andriy Pelyukhivskyi, the founder and leader of the "Strength of the Nation" party, head of the public organization "Protection and Assistance," an expert in port management, addressing the entire Ukrainian nation.

According to Pelyukhivskyi, the struggle of the Ukrainian people continues not only against the aggressor country but also against an internal enemy: “The nation has united against the external enemy. Can we not unite against the internal one? The country is experiencing economic collapse, destruction in all areas of life, and total corruption. Why are we silent?

He added, emphasizing: “To save the state and collectively overcome difficulties and achieve prosperity, the entire Ukrainian nation and all specialists must unite. I believe that we need to create an economic front for the salvation of the state right now. We must do this together; otherwise, it will be a disaster. Action is needed now. Only the unity of the nation will save us.”

The head of the public council of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, Andriy Bohdanov, stated that Ukrainians need unity. “Today, there is no place for quarrels and divisions. We are all one team. Our main task is to work together for the future of the country. We need unity not just in words, but in actions: when the people and the authorities look in the same direction, then everything becomes possible,” he declared.

In turn, member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, Oleksandr Kondratenko, emphasized that the Ukrainian nation is primarily united by language and culture. “Language and culture are the foundation upon which a nation is built. As is well known, without language, there is no nation. Language is the key to our history, traditions, and worldview. Culture shapes our identity, uniting people of all ages and generations around common values. Without language and culture, we will lose ourselves, for only a nation strong in its identity can serve as a worthy example to the world,” Kondratenko emphasized.

A military veteran, volunteer, and combat participant, founder of the NGO "Ukrainian Dawn," Andriy Dymura noted that during the full-scale invasion, the aggressor country has inflicted significant damage on Ukrainian nature and ecology. “Nature has always been our wealth. It is our home. And we bear responsibility for the condition in which we leave it for our children. The destruction brought by war, pollution, and negligence have left their mark. But if we work together, we can save the situation: plant a tree, clean a river, take care of the forest—these are things everyone can do. At the same time, we must do this together. Let’s show that we are a people who respect their land,” Dymura stated.