In Ukraine, internally displaced persons are entitled to monthly payments from the government; however, for certain categories of these individuals, financial assistance may be halted.

The relevant rules are outlined in the resolution "Some Issues of Support for Internally Displaced Persons." Here are the categories of Ukrainians with IDP status who may not receive payments:

Citizens who have been abroad for more than 30 calendar days without providing appropriate documentation to justify their absence.

Individuals who have purchased real estate, including an apartment, house, or land plot, valued at over 100,000 hryvnias (except in cases where the accommodation was obtained through budget funding).

Those who have acquired a new vehicle manufactured no more than 5 years ago (unless the vehicle was donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine through volunteers).

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Citizens owning housing exceeding 13.65 square meters per person in safe regions where active hostilities are not ongoing and which are not considered zones of potential combat actions.

Individuals who have purchased metals or foreign currency (dollars, euros, or other currencies) exceeding 100,000 hryvnias (excluding currency received from charitable organizations or intended for payment of medical, educational, or social services).

Citizens with deposits exceeding 100,000 hryvnias.

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