Every day, thousands of Ukrainians board "Ukrzaliznytsia" trains to embark on their journeys. However, many are unaware that their ticket price includes a variety of useful complimentary services.

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Let’s explore what you can enjoy without spending a dime. This information was shared by Visit Ukraine.

Complimentary Perks from "Ukrzaliznytsia"

Поезд, фото "Укрзализныця"

  • First aid kit on board: The conductor can always provide you with a free first aid kit if needed.

  • Seat belts: If you are on the upper bunk and are afraid of heights, simply ask the conductor for seat belts.

  • Bedding: If you are traveling in a sleeper car, remember: you do not need to return the bedding after use. The conductor will take care of the replacement.

  • Returning back: If you miss your stop, don’t panic! Speak to the train manager with your ticket, and they will arrange a free return for you.

  • Comfort in the compartment: If the air conditioning in your carriage is broken, inform the conductor – you may be able to switch to another carriage with working air conditioning, if there are available seats.

  • Personal belongings: Don’t worry, you do not need to share the luggage racks. Each passenger is entitled to their own space for hand luggage.


Insurance for Passengers

Don’t forget that with every ticket, you also receive insurance. If an accident occurs during the journey, you can claim compensation. Just keep your ticket and contact the insurance company whose contact details are provided on your ticket.