In Shostka, located in the Sumy region, there is currently no heating supply due to a Russian strike. This was reported on Tuesday, November 12, by the regional military administration via
Telegram. "Russian forces utilized drones to strike critical infrastructure targets in the Shostka community. As a result of the attack, the city of Shostka is without heating," the statement reads. The regional military administration noted that emergency rescue services are on-site "to restore heating supply as quickly as possible." Information regarding the aftermath of the attack is being clarified. Preliminary reports indicate that no one has sought medical assistance. Additionally, the regional military administration urged residents not to ignore alarm signals. Earlier, it was reported that
residents of Sumy heard an explosion As previously mentioned, in Sumy, a Russian dron hit an apartment building - five people were injured.
In the Sumy region, there was an emergency power outage following the UAV attack