According to the church calendar, on November 14, Orthodox Ukrainians commemorate the Apostle Philip.

On November 14, according to the new church calendar, we remember Saint Philip, one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ.

In the folk calendar, the holiday on November 14 is known as Philip's Day or Zagovenie.

November 14 is the day of remembrance for Saint Apostle Philip, and it is also the day of remembrance for Saint Gregory Palamas.

In the past, there was a tradition on this church holiday to take food outside the home for the household spirit, so that he would help protect the livestock during winter.

Our ancestors believed that starting from November 14, wolves in the forests became very aggressive, and people tried to avoid dense thickets.

Церковь, храм

What not to do on the church holiday of November 14:

There are several prohibitions regarding what should not be done today:

It is strictly forbidden to feel sad or complain about fate.

Additionally, on the church holiday of November 14, one should not curse, argue, create scandals, or refuse to help.

On the church holiday of November 14, it is also not advisable to engage in cleaning, as there is a risk of sweeping away good fortune along with the trash and dirty water.

Among our ancestors, there were many interesting signs associated with the church holiday of November 14. For example, if it was snowing or cloudy, it meant that there would be bad weather in May.

Hearing a crow cawing on November 14 was seen as a sign of an upcoming thaw.