The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine proposes amendments to the Labor Code that grant employers greater powers, particularly in monitoring the correspondence of employees.
The relevant amendments have already been drafted in the project of the new Labor Code prepared by the ministry for 2025.
According to the document, employers are required to monitor the work correspondence of employees, as well as any documents created or used by them in the course of their job duties. However, it is important to note that monitoring will be used as a last resort if other methods do not yield results.
The draft law also mandates that employers inform individuals about the implementation of monitoring and justify its necessity.
According to the document, monitoring of work correspondence and documents created on technical devices used for performing job duties should not infringe on employees' rights to privacy and family life.
The labor market in Ukraine is undergoing significant changes due to the war with Russia. Many skilled workers have moved abroad, leading to a shortage of personnel.