A Ukrainian woman shared her issue – she was unable to reach the 24-hour hotline of "PrivatBank" at the number 3700 after the terminal accepted her money, but the funds never arrived on her card.

The PrivatBank client wrote about this on the Minfin website in the section where users can leave feedback about banking services.

The PrivatBank customer complained that she could not get in touch with the 24-hour hotline at 3700 after the terminal took her money, yet the funds did not reach her card. She noted in her complaint that she could call for a day or two — no one would call her back.

According to her, the "PrivatBank" chatbots on Telegram and Viber proved to be ineffective, and in the "Privat24" service, only an answering machine responded.

приват, приватбанк

"A person is left alone with their problem. This is very concerning, in fact. And I chose this bank among others. Should it be like this in a civilized financial institution? Is there any oversight of the support service? Are there any customer service standards that the bank is supposed to adhere to? Being state-owned doesn't mean using those outdated service methods? - Shared her outrage the PrivatBank client.