From the perspective of the main traits of each zodiac sign, these three are the most inclined to believe anything.

Which zodiac signs are the most gullible:

Pisces. The most gullible zodiac sign of all is none other than the whimsical Pisces. Don’t get me wrong, Pisces, but your sensitive and dreamy nature can sometimes border on naivety.

After all, Pisces is the only water sign that lacks armor for boundaries. (They are represented by fish, while Scorpio is represented by a scorpion, and Cancer by a crab). Not only that, but Pisces is ruled by Neptune.

Neptune is literally the planet of illusions, dreams, and fantasies. In other words, it’s too easy to manipulate Pisces if they haven’t realized how impressionable they are.

Pisces should ensure they don’t confuse fantasies with reality and avoid projecting their misconceptions onto others.

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Aries. Next up is Aries — and for a whole host of reasons that differ from Pisces. Where Pisces is naive and romantic, Aries is impulsive and a bit reckless. They are gullible in the sense that they don’t think twice if they want to jump on board.

These fiery individuals simply move too quickly to catch a lie. Before they even realize it, they’ve already switched to something else. And if the lie involves something that excites them, they definitely won’t take a second thought about the possibility of you lying.

Aries should slow down and think things through carefully before giving in to impulsiveness.

Libra. Finally, Libra is the third most gullible zodiac sign. Libras are known as the peacemakers and diplomats of the zodiac, but they are also recognized for their indecisiveness, impressionability, and codependence. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, Libras also want to keep the boat from rocking at all costs.

As a result, they tend to see people through rose-colored glasses, assuming the best in others and rarely suspecting anyone of lying. They are really just too kind for this cruel world, and their trusting (and sometimes passive) nature can lead them into bad situations.

Source: mindbodygreen.