Horoscope for January 19 for all zodiac signs, as the solar season shifts when the Sun moves from Capricorn to Aquarius.

For the next 30 days, the focus will be on all things related to Aquarius, including networking, charity, and human rights advocacy.

Your daily horoscope for January 19 based on your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The Moon spends the day in Aries, your solar house of identity.
When the Moon is in your sign, you may feel a slight anxiety over things beyond your control.

The Moon governs your emotions, and while in Aries, your emotional self may feel irritable and fatigued. You might feel an urge to act impulsively, which is something you should avoid.

You may find yourself directing your efforts negatively, such as overspending, as Mars is in Taurus, your second house of possessions, which could lead to control issues.

However, if used wisely, you can turn this negative potential into something positive. Instead of spending money, try investing your time in tasks that you know can be rewarding for you.

The Moon also represents your past and your feminine energy. This means you should follow your intuition, listen to your inner voice, and if you feel the urge to pioneer something new, go for it.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, the Moon in Aries will move through your house of hidden enemies.

You likely already know who these people are, and it may not be a surprise if an unpleasant message or email comes your way.

However, you are wiser than that, and you know better than to seek revenge or act out of anger. With Mars in your sign in conjunction with Uranus, this could be a time of real growth for you as you learn the art of self-control and personal discipline.

Instead of retaliating, it’s better to ride out this moment; it would be best if you do no harm.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, the Moon in Aries brings attention to your friendships, and this could be a truly passionate time for you.

You might feel invigorated and interested in people from your past.

This could mean accepting friend requests from high school acquaintances or even childhood friends. Or it might be a time to enjoy reminiscing with someone close about what you used to do together.

Don’t let this energy go to waste. It would be delightful for you to have a little reminder of what you did before and how you overcame it with someone who appreciates how far you’ve come.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, the Moon spending the day in Aries draws attention to your work sector, and this could be a time of powerful transformations for you.

You can harness some of your feminine energy in a powerful way, even if you feel a bit gloomy. Even if you would prefer to retreat and stay home, don’t isolate yourself from the world.

Sometimes you have to do things you don’t like because the outcome is worth it.

When you feel like you’re avoiding a goal, it might be a sign that you’re ready to break through, and you should keep pushing forward.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The Moon is in your house of learning, and as much as you love to talk and share your thoughts, it would benefit you to listen to others and help them share the stories they want to tell you.

This is a great time to be a little lazy and engage in some fascinating research.

If you have time in the evening, watch documentaries or cooking and travel shows to other worlds.

You can live vicariously through others without leaving your own living room.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The Moon in Aries can trigger a bad feeling, even if everything is fine.

The Moon may make you feel that you should do something for someone else, whether it’s taking care of everyone or ensuring your family’s safety during this pandemic. In fact, you might even be inclined to do more than necessary.

Channel your energy into tasks that may be unpleasant but need to be done. For example, updating accounts, ensuring your bank balance is in order if shared with someone else. It’s also a good day to add or remove other individuals from credit cards.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra, the Moon in Aries can stir emotions about the past related to love or partnerships.

You might think about some type of karmic relationship from which you may have learned a hard lesson.

This could prompt you to reflect and resolve not to let anyone make you feel the way you did back then.

This could be a time for you to step back from your life. Take a little review of how you reacted and why.

Perhaps through past struggles, you will learn something important about yourself, but this requires some contemplation.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The Moon in Aries for Scorpio is a wonderful time to take action.

Dig in your heels to accomplish your New Year’s resolution. You can show a bit more discipline to tackle what you’ve been putting off for quite some time.

You may find you have a lot of energy and can easily complete small tasks.

If you have plenty of stamina, don’t waste it. Cross off what you want to accomplish by the end of Tuesday.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The Moon in Sagittarius in Aries can awaken a desire for fun and play.

Although you typically enjoy a good joke or two thanks to your great sense of humor, now is not the time.

You may need to put in some effort to understand that not everyone is in the same mood.

With Mars in Taurus and the Moon in Aries keeping many people on edge, even if you approach everything with a degree of skepticism, try to be sensitive to the world around you.

Even if you feel that someone needs advice and you just want to express your feelings, don’t do it unless asked.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn, the Moon in Aries brings a strong desire to do something for family and friends.

You may find yourself asserting your authority, especially regarding matters in which you excel.

This could be a time when your raw strength begins to intimidate others, and you may need to step back and realize that other people may not perceive your actions in the same way you would if roles were reversed.

This is a good day to connect with others just to see who is in what position and respond accordingly.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius, the Moon in Aries will draw special attention to your communication realm.

If you are sensitive to people who write too briefly in text messages, today you may feel this more acutely than usual.

Try asking questions to clarify what’s bothering you.

Avoid assumptions. And if you sense an argument brewing, do your best to avoid it at all costs.

Don’t let anything get under your skin, especially if you know it’s trivial. Remember to choose your battles wisely.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces, the Moon is in your second house, and if you have been irresponsible with your finances, you may be overwhelmed with buyer’s remorse.

This could be a good day to think about things you may have purchased that you didn’t really need and consider if it’s possible to return them.

Think about areas of your life where you can cut back in your budget to start saving money.

It’s never too late to change your finances, especially if you feel you should. If you have quick fixes you can make with your income, do it.

Don’t wait. If you can take on a new shift at work or learned about a job opening, apply. Be proactive.