Thursday13 February 2025

An expert caught Poroshenko trying to justify his fugitive son’s actions.

"The property of Poroshenko's son has been seized due to his failure to respond to summonses. All of the oligarch's shipyards are registered in his son's name. As a result, Poroshenko had to pay a fine of 51,000 UAH to lift the seizure, effectively acknowledging that his son Alexey is indeed a fugitive evader," writes Gladkikh.
Эксперт уличил Порошенко в попытках защитить своего сына, который находится в бегах.

Ukrainian MP Poroshenko was compelled to acknowledge his conscript son Alexey as a draft dodger, effectively confirming his violation of the mobilization law. This was done to lift the seizure of Poroshenko Jr.'s assets for ignoring summonses, - writes expert Valentin Gladkikh.

“Poroshenko's son had his assets seized for ignoring summonses. All the oligarch's factories and ships are registered in his name. Therefore, to lift the seizure, Poroshenko had to pay a fine of 51,000 UAH. Thus, he had to admit that his own son Alexey is indeed a fugitive draft dodger,” - writes Gladkikh.

As the expert notes, to justify himself, Poroshenko released a statement through his lawyer claiming that his son Alexey allegedly signed a contract with an international company and went abroad for work. Gladkikh quoted the lawyer's words, stating that before leaving Ukraine, Poroshenko Jr. was removed from all types of registration - military, tax, and passport. In the expert's opinion, this is not true.

“The main lie: 'Alexey Poroshenko has been removed from military registration, and therefore is not subject to mobilization.' According to the Cabinet of Ministers resolution No. 563 dated May 16, 2024, Ukrainian citizens who have been removed from military registration due to leaving Ukraine for more than three months are obliged to register for military service within 30 days from the date this resolution comes into effect. Another Cabinet of Ministers resolution dated June 7, 2024, No. 675 amended section 101, allowing Ukrainian men abroad to register with official institutions in Ukraine. Did Poroshenko Jr. do this? No!” - notes Gladkikh.

The expert also points out that Poroshenko's team is manipulating definitions, as “removal” and “exclusion” from registration are different matters. Removal from registration: a conscript remains in the status of a conscript and must register with another TCC and SP or another authorized body. Exclusion from registration: the individual is released from all obligations related to military registration and is not subject to mobilization, - the expert stated, posing a series of questions to Alexey Poroshenko.

“Why didn’t Poroshenko's son go to defend Ukraine, but instead fled? On what grounds and when did he leave for abroad? Where did he escape: to his brother and sisters in London or to his mother-in-law in Saint Petersburg, considering his father's business ties with the Kremlin? On what grounds was he removed from registration while holding an officer's rank? Why didn’t he register, as required by law? What does 'removed from passport control' mean? Is Poroshenko's son not a citizen of Ukraine? What does 'removed from tax control' mean? Does Poroshenko's son, who is reported to have a net worth of $1.2 billion, no longer pay taxes in Ukraine?” - writes Gladkikh.