During the challenging winter period, some Ukrainians will receive assistance to alleviate the financial burden on their household budget. Families can qualify for four types of aid.

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The support program is being implemented for residents of Kherson and certain communities in the region. This is reported by the Southern Development Strategy.

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As part of the "Safe and Warm" project, families with children under 18 years old (or under 23 if they are not studying) can receive payments of 21,800 hryvnias to cover utility costs during the heating season. It is noted that this support will help families avoid having to cut back on essential needs to pay for heating.

Assistance is available to residents of: Kherson, Vysokopil, Kalynivka, Milove, Novoaleksandrivka, Novoraysk, Velikoaleksandrivka, Borozenska, Kochubeivka, and Novovorontsovka communities.

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Assistance payments are possible even if the family is already receiving support from other humanitarian organizations.

In total, residents of the region have access to four types of assistance during the winter period:

  • cash payments for utilities;
  • specialized quarterly hygiene kits;
  • warm winter clothing for children and blankets;
  • solid fuel kits for residents of the Novovorontsovka community.

The fund collaborates with local authorities, so residents will be informed about the deployment of mobile groups for registration through official communication channels.

Previously, the information portal Znai reported that heating payments have started in Ukraine: who will receive the money.

Our portal also informed that heating bills will be paid on behalf of Ukrainians: who will be lucky this winter.

Additionally, we wrote about how to receive financial assistance for gas heating or firewood purchases.