If you wish to attract money and improve your financial situation, try performing a ritual that is perfectly suited for the waxing moon.

This ritual is especially effective on Wednesday, a day of growth that encourages the attraction of material wealth.

What you will need:

  • A silver coin
  • A piece of natural orange fabric
  • A cinnamon-scented incense stick
  • Two green candles
  • Neroli essential oil

How to perform the ritual:

  1. Wrap the silver coin in the orange fabric and place it in the center of the table.
  2. Position the green candles, coated with neroli essential oil, on either side of the coin.
  3. Light the candles and the cinnamon-scented incense stick.
  4. Sit quietly and gaze at the coin. At this moment, visualize the flow of wealth entering your life. Feel the joy as money begins to come your way.
  5. Think about what you want to spend this money on, and repeat the following words three times:

"As long as the waves are infinite in the ocean and the trees in the forest grow tall, so too shall my prosperity never cease. I now receive wealth and abundance in Divine order for the Highest good of all involved. I am in harmony with the Infinite Source of wealth and I thank the Universe for responding to my request."

  1. After reciting the incantation, extinguish the candles: first the left one, then the right one.