Ukrainians are encountering situations where, after purchasing property, they are burdened with the previous owner's utility debts. Experts from the project "GazPravda" explained how to approach real estate purchases wisely and avoid issues.

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The first thing a buyer should do, even before signing the sales contract, is to verify whether the previous owner has any outstanding utility debts.

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It is also essential to carefully review the contract itself, as it may contain clauses that could lead to negative financial consequences. A new owner is only obligated to settle the previous owner's debts if they have agreed to such a responsibility.

Another crucial step that new homeowners often overlook is the re-registration of the utility account. Immediately after acquiring the property, it is advisable to contact the service providers and update the consumer information. This will not only ensure that bills are sent with accurate details but also eliminate the risk of paying someone else's debts.

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"It is essential to re-register the utility account. This is correct not only from a legal standpoint but also from a financial one. Otherwise, you risk paying someone else's debts," experts advise.

Previously, the information portal Znaï reported, debtors for utilities were given a chance: how to climb out of the debt pit and receive a subsidy.

Our portal also informed that you will pay for yourself and your neighbors: consumers with unverified meters will be ripped off.

Additionally, we wrote about utility debts and account seizures: what to do if you do not live in the apartment.