In Ukraine, pensioners who require care due to deteriorating health can receive a special supplement to their pension.

According to the law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Increase of Social Guarantees for Certain Categories of Persons," in 2025 the amount of this payment may be around 1000 hryvnias per month.


Pensioners eligible for this supplement must meet several conditions. Firstly, they must be 80 years old or older. Secondly, they should live independently without assistance from relatives. Thirdly, it is necessary for the individual to receive an old-age pension and be recognized as in need of outside care.

The supplement amounts to 40% of the subsistence minimum for persons who have lost their ability to work, which currently totals 944 hryvnias. These funds can be obtained by applying to the Pension Fund of Ukraine with a request and the appropriate medical documentation.


To apply for the supplement, several documents must be submitted, including a passport of a citizen of Ukraine, a registration number of the taxpayer's account card (RNOCPP), as well as an extract from the Pension Fund of Ukraine confirming the absence of other care supplements. Additionally, it should be noted that to receive this additional payment, the pensioner must also provide a conclusion from the medical advisory commission confirming the need for outside care.